Melford's Forgotten Dead

Men Missing from Long Melford's Roll of Honour

1914 - 1918
Adams, Frederick Charles – born Long Melford in 1897 – Pte.58204 of 98th Labour Coy, Labour Corps - died on 21.12.1918
Albon, Ernest Frank (brother to Frederick John Albon) – born in Long Melford in 1887, spent childhood in Back Lane, Long Melford - Pte.24903 of 2nd Bn, Suffolk Regt – killed in action on 30.8.1918
Albon, Frederick John (brother to Ernest Frank Albon) – born in Long Melford in 1885, spent childhood at Back Lane, Long Melford – Pte.22346 of 7th [Service] Bn, Suffolk Regt – killed in action on 12.10.1916
Allen, Oliver Charles – born in Great Waldingfield, Suffolk in 1876,  son of John William Allen of Long Melford – Staff/Sgt.18444 of 1st Bn, Duke of Wellington’s [West Riding} Regt – died on active service in East Africa on 16.12.1917
 Ambrose, Henry – born in Long Melford in 1888, lived on The Green and Hall St, Long Melford – Pte.3030 of 1/5th Bn, Suffolk Regt – died from tuberculosis in October 1916
Ambrose, Walter Edward - born in Long Melford 1891, lived in Westgate St, Long Melford - Pte.G/18245 of 11th [Service] Bn, The Queen’s Own [Royal West Kent] Regt – missing presumed killed in action on 7.10.1916
Bell, Albert James – born in Long Melford in 1890, lived in St Marys St, Long Melford - Pte.3/9946 of 9th [Service] Bn, Suffolk Regt – died of wounds on 8.11.1918
Bigg, Samuel James - born in Edwardstone, Suffolk in 1887, son of Edward Bigg of Long Melford - Pte.10677 of 6th (Service) Bn, Bedfordshire Regt - killed in action on 26.4.1918
Boreham, Victor Dennis [MM] - born in Holme, Hunts in 1894, son of Dennis William Boreham of Long Melford - Pte.16046 of 5th (Service) Bn, Northamptonshire Regt [Pioneers] - killed in action on 20.9.1918
Borley, Edgar Robert – born in Long Melford in 1884, lived in St Marys St, Long Melford - Gnr.21978 of 182nd Siege Bty, Royal Garrison Artillery – died of wounds on 4.10.1917
Britton, Roland - born in Lawshall, Suffolk in 1882, son of Lydia Louise Bigg of Long Melford - Pte.40636 of 1st Bn, Northamptonshire Regt - killed in action on 10.11.1917
Brooks, Cecil George – born in Raydon, Suffolk in 1891, lived and worked at Duntons Farm, Bridge St, Long Melford - Pte.201687 of 2nd Bn, Suffolk Regt – killed in action on 26.9.1917
Brunning, Walter Fred - born in Coggeshall, Essex in 1892, son of Charles Walter Brunning of Long Melford - Spr.40824 of 67th Field Company, Royal Engineers – killed in action on 22.8.1915
Bryant, Arthur James – born in Long Melford in 1891, lived in Rodbridge St, Long Melford  - Sgt.8486 of 2nd Bn, Suffolk Regt – died of wounds on 16.6.1917
Bugg, Herbert – born in Long Melford in 1891, lived in Bridge St, Long Melford – Pte.47238 of 1/1st Bn, Hertfordshire Regt – killed in action on 30.4.1918
Butcher, George Charles – born in Long Melford in 1892 – Sgt.13626 of 2nd Bn, Bedfordshire Regt – killed in action on 24.12.1917
Churchyard, Donald Ernest John - born in Haverhill, Suffolk in 1896, son of Harry Churchyard of Long Melford - Rfn.Z/1744 of 4th Bn, Rifle Brigade - died of wounds on 20.3.1915
Churchyard, John – born in Long Melford in 1890, lived in St Marys St, Long Melford - Cpl. 227059 of 2nd Bn, Princess Charlotte of Wales’s [Royal Berkshire] Regt – killed in action on 27.4.1918
Clarke, Reginald William – born in Fulham, London in 1897, lived in Hall St, Long Melford - L/Cpl.12199 of 9th [Service] Bn, Essex Regt – killed in action on 3.7.1916
Coe, William Greenall - born in Westminster, London in 1890, son of William Churchyard Coe of Long Melford - Engine Room Artificer in the Royal Navy - died in service on 13.3.1917
Coote, Clifford - born in Colchester, Essex in 1891, son of Robert Cook of Long Melford - Pte.24753 of 10th (Service) Bn, Prince of Wale’s Own (West Riding) Regt - killed in action on 23.4.1917
Downey, Richard John – born in Long Melford in 1883 – Pte.G/71820 of 19th [Service] Bn, Duke of Cambridge's Own [Middlesex] Regt, [2nd Public Works Pioneers] – killed in action on 25.3.1918
Drury, Frank – born in Long Melford in 1895, son of Charles Drury and Kate Boggis of Long Melford – Pte.1575 of 1/5th Bn, Essex Regt – killed in action on 1.10.1915
Dyson, William Harding (MM) – born in Long Melford in 1895 – Pte.30729 of 46th Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps – died of wounds on 30.5.1917
Eady, Albert David – born in Southwark, London in 1896, son of Albert Walter Eady of Long Melford - Pte.2868 of 1/7th [City of London] Bn, London Regt – killed in action on 5.5.1915
Eary, Sydney – born in Preston St Mary, Suffolk in 1891, son of William Eary of Long Melford – Pte.25942 of 10th [Service] Bn, Duke of Wellington’s [East Riding] Regt – died in service from a malignant laryngeal tumour on 18.11.1918
Eary, Walter – born in Preston St Mary, Suffolk in 1890, son of William Eary of Long Melford – Pte.29964 of 15th [Service] Bn, Prince of Wales's Own [West Yorkshire] Regt [1st Leeds Pals] – missing presumed killed in action on 3.5.1917
East, Herbert – born in Long Melford in 1889 – Pte.23827 of 5th [Service] Bn, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry – killed in action on 23.3.1918
Ford, George – born in Lavenham, Suffolk in 1890, son of Henry Ford of Long Melford – L/Cpl.14708 of 11th [Service] Bn, Suffolk Regt – killed in action on 24.10.1918
Hale, Harry Alan – born Bungay, Suffolk in 1897, son of Harry James Hale of Long Melford – Pte.43405 of 1st Bn, Northamptonshire Regt – killed in action on 21.12.1916
Hardy, Albert Frank – born in Long Melford in 1894, son of Albert Hardy and Jane Sillitoe both from Long Melford - Rfn.45335 of 1/5th Bn, London Regiment [The Prince Concert's Own], Rifle Brigade - died of wounds on 27.8.1918
Heard, Charles Miller – born in Hatfield Peveral, Essex in 1893, son of Edwin George Heard of Long Melford – 2nd Lieutenant attached to 8th [Service] Bn, East Lancashire Regt – killed in action on 10.4.1917
Heard, Edwin George – born in Brampton, Suffolk in 1886, son of Edwin George Heard of Long Melford – Pte.9881 2nd Bn, The King's [Liverpool] Regt – died in service in 1920
Hills, Edward John – born in Clare, Suffolk in 1897, son of Harriett Theobald Hills [née Shepherd] of Long Melford – Lance/Sgt.202431 1/4th Bn, Suffolk Regt – killed in action on 23.4.1917
Hood, Basil Montague Robert – born in Long Melford in 1897, son of Blanche Mary Hood [née Grice] - Pte.G/7209 of 2nd Bn, Duke of Cambridge's Own [Middlesex] Regt – killed in action on 1.7.1916
Howard, Arthur – born in Long Melford 1888, lived in High St, Long Melford -  Pte.7872 of 1st Bn, Suffolk Regt – killed in action on 4.5.1915
Hurst, Alexander Burnett – born Cavendish, Suffolk in 1862, music teacher lived in Hall St, Long Melford – Sgt.3223 of Royal Defence Corps – died at home on 26.2.1917
Lilly, Clifford Walter – born in Cawston, Norfolk in 1891, son of Arthur Lilly of Long Melford – L/Cpl.16654 of 7th [Service] Bn, Norfolk Regt – killed in action on 3.7.1916
Lilly, Frederick William – born in Long Melford in 1887 - Pte.4020 of 4th Bn, Suffolk Regt – killed in action on 29.8.1916
Lilly, William George (unrelated to W. G. Lilly on the Long Melford War Memorial) – born in Long Melford in 1887, son of Ellen Rosina Lilly of High St and Hollands, Long Melford – Pte.9587 of 3rd Bn, Worcestershire Regt – killed in action on 12.3.1915
Lumsdale, William Ernest – born in Long Melford in 1882, lived in St Catherines Rd and Hall St, Long Melford - Pte.42331 of 8th [Service] Bn. [Prince of Wales] North Staffordshire Regt. – killed in Action on 9.8.1918
Martin, Basil James – born in Ballingdon, Essex in 1892, son of Maria Martin [née Dare] of Long Melford Pte.203482 of ‘B’ Coy, 4th Bn, Duke of Cambridge’s Own [Middlesex] Regt – died of wounds on 23.4.1917
Martin, Bertie – born in Ballingdon, Essex in 1886, son of Maria Martin [née Dare] of Long Melford - Pte.2502 of 1/5th Bn, Suffolk Regt – missing presumed killed in action on 21.8.1915
Mitchell, Charles – born in Hadleigh, Suffolk in 1886, son of Alfred Mitchell of Long Melford – Pte.9072 of 1st Bn, The King’s Own [Royal Lancaster] Regt – missing presumed killed in action on 23.5.1915
Munson, Arthur William – born in Long Melford in 1887, lived in Rodbridge St, Long Melford - Pte.11315 of 1st Bn, Sherwood Foresters [Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire] Regt – killed in action on 9.5.1915
Nunn, Bertie – born in March, Cambs in 1893, son of Leonard Nunn of Long Melford - Pte.2338 of 1/7th Bn, Cheshire Regt – died of wounds on board the hospital ship HMT Navasa on 9.9.1915
Ost, Robert – born in Lambeth, London in 1883, son of James Ost of Long Melford – 5th [Service] Bn, Dorsetshire Regt – killed in action on 29.9.1916
Parmenter, George – born in Battersea, London in 1891, son of Charles William Parmenter of Long Melford – Pte.L/9627 of 2nd Bn, The Queen’s [Royal West Surrey] Regt – killed in action on 21.10.1914
Parmenter, Henry – born in Haverhill in 1889, son of Charles and Ellen Parmenter of Long Melford – Cpl.40944 of 7th [Service] Bn, Suffolk Regt – killed in action on 28.4.1917
Parmenter, Horace Neville – born in Long Melford in 1893, lived in Rotten Row, Long Melford - Pte.G/10445 of 10th [Service] Bn, The Queen’s [Royal West Surrey] Regt – killed in action on 24.2.1917
Payne, Ambrose Charles – born in Long Melford in 1886, lived St Marys St, Long Melford - Pte.242031 of 1/5th Bn, Northumberland Fusiliers – killed in action on 26.10.1917
Perry, Alfred Thomas - born in Guildford, Surrey in 1892, son of Robert James Perry of Long Melford – Leading Stoker K13454 in the Royal Navy - killed in action on 27.10.1916
Perry, Percyborn in Haverhill, Suffolk in 1892, son of Mary Ann Perry [née Boggis] of Long Melford - Pte.16669 of 1st Bn, Suffolk Regt – killed in action on 24.4.1915
Perry, Williamborn in Sudbury, Suffolk in 1881, son of Eliza Perry [née Ellis]of Long Melford - Pte.201951 to 1/1st Bn, Cambridgeshire Regt – died of wounds on 17.7.1918
Pollard, Walter [MM] – born in Long Melford in 1897, son of Alice Pollard [née Blythe] of Long Melford - L/Sgt.12830 of 9th [Service] Bn, Essex Regt – died of wounds on 7.5.1917
Prigg, Charles William [MM] – born in Long Melford in 1881, lived in St Marys St, Long Melford - L/Cpl.13310 of 8th [Service] Bn, Norfolk Regt – killed in action on 15.10.1917
Race, William George – born in Long Melford in 1895, lived in Sudbury Rd, Long Melford - Pte.10247 of Essex Regt – died of wounds on 23.3.1915
Rising, Harry William – born in Haverhill, Suffolk in 1892, son of Arthur and Clare Rising of Long MelfordPte.16124 of 'A' Coy, 9th [Service] Bn, Suffolk Regt – killed in action on 16.9.1916
Rous, Thomas – born in Charing, Kent in 1886, assistant schoolmaster at Long Melford School – 2nd Lieutenant in the Royal Field Artillery - died of wounds on 22.3.1918
Sore, Ernest George – born in Long Melford in 1882, son of Arthur Sore and Eliza [née Sergeant] of Long Melford - Pte.2561 of 1st [Kings] Dragoon Guards – died of wounds on 3.6.1915

Sore, Ezekiel Thomas – born in Hartest, Suffolk in 1875, son of Charles Ezekiel Sore of Long Melford  – Pte.4487 of 2nd Bn, Norkolk Regt – killed in action on 1.6.1916

Sore, Horace Charles – born in Great Cornard, Suffolk in 1894, son of Arthur Sore and Eliza [née Sergeant] of Long Melford – Pnr.528081 of 54th Divisional Signal Company, Royal Engineers – killed in action on 19.4.1917
Spearman, George William – born in Long Melford in 1886 – Pte.40245 of 2nd Bn, Lincolnshire Regt – killed in action on 16.11.1916
Stanhope, Ernest Chesterfield [MM] – born in Hendon, Middlesex in 1893, son of Alfred Ernest Stanhope of Long Melford - Gnr.90433 of 'A' Bty, 110th Bde, Royal Field Artillery – died of wounds on 21.4.1918
Stearns, Walter Ryder – born in Fallowfield, Lancashire in 1893, son of Charles Edward Stearns of Long Melford – Pte.6931 of 16th [Service] Bn. Manchester Regt – missing presumed killed in action on 9.7.1916
Theobald, Clement Chevalier – born in Tottenham, Middlesex in 1886, son of Amos Theobald of Long Melford – Pte.12182 of 7th [Service] Bn, Norfolk Regt – killed in action on 13.10.1915
Twitchett, Alexander Bert – born in Alpheton, Suffolk in 1892, lived in Liston Lane, Long Melford - Pte.SPTS/5463 of 11th [County of London] Bn, London Regt., Royal Fusiliers – died of wounds on 24.2.1917
Twitchett, Arnold Maurice – born in Thorpe Morieux, Suffolk in 1887, son of Alice Twichett [née Salvage] of Long Melford - Pte.24940 of 2nd Bn, Suffolk Regt – died of wounds on 5.8.1918
Whent, Ernest James – born in Alpheton, Suffolk in 1898, lived in Bridge St, Long Melford – Pte.14719 of 1st Royal Marines Bn, Royal Marine Light Infantry – killed in action on 3.8.1916
Wiseman, Frederick – born in Long Melford in 1892 – Pte.12983 of 6th [Service] Bn, Princess Charlotte of Wales’s [Royal Berkshire] Regt – killed in action on 1.7.1916
Woodgate, Harry – born in Acton, Suffolk in 1896, son of Ann Maria Woodgate [née Howe] of Long Melford – Pte.23537 of 2nd Bn, Suffolk Regt – missing presumed killed in action on 20.7.1916
Woodgate, Jack – born in Acton, Suffolk in 1890, son of Ann Maria Woodgate [née Howe] of Long Melford – Pte.14288 of 9th [Service] Bn, Suffolk Regt – missing presumed killed in action on 13.9.1916
Wordley, Russel William – born in Sudbury, Suffolk in 1897, lived in Hall St, Long Melford Pte.1734 of 1/5th Bn, Suffolk Regt – killed in action on 20.9.1915
Younger, Alfred – born in Long Melford in 1881, lived in High St, Long Melford - Pte.18036 of 10th [Service] Bn, Prince of Wales Own [West Yorkshire] Regt. – killed in action on 1.7.1916


1939 – 1945
Brackley, Thomas Alfred - born in Long Melford in 1899 - Second Hand JX174529 of the Royal Naval Patrol Service - served through WWI - died aboard HMT Arctic Trapper, which was bombed and sunk by the Luftwaffe in the North Sea on 3.2.1941
Heal, Leonard William – born in Long Melford in 1902 – Chief Petty Officer J69622 of the Royal Navy, served through WWI – died aboard HMS Hardy on 10.4.1940 during the First Battle of Narvik

Research by David Gevaux, MA
Melford and the Great War Project