1916 - Roll of 130 Melford Men at the Somme

UAlbon, Frederick John - Pte.22346 of 7th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  UUAllen, William Cornelius - Pte.16217 of 11th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Ambrose, Charles Henry - Pte.20225 of 8th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Ambrose, George Alfred - Spr.467277 of 1st Canadian Pioneer Battalion, 1st Canadian Division  ·  UAmbrose, Walter Edward - Pte.G/18245 of 11th [Service] Battalion, The Queen's Own [Royal West Kent] Regiment  ·  Andrews, Alfred - Pte.32994 of No.2 Canadian Field Ambulance, 1st Canadian Division  ·  Ardley, Edward ‘Ted’ - Rfn.305404 of 5th [City of London] Battalion, [London Rifle Brigade] London Regiment  ·  Barnes, Walter Allen - Cpl.3/20621 of 2nd Battalion, York and Lancaster Regiment  ·  UUBell, Albert James - Pte.3/9946 of 9th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Bigg, Edward Frank - Pte.5218 of 1/1st Battalion, Hertfordshire Regiment  ·  Bigg, Ernest - Cpl.9394 of 8th [Service] Battalion, Royal Fusiliers  ·  UUBigg, Samuel Jones - Pte.10677 of 1st Battalion, Bedfordshire Regiment  ·  UUBigg, Walter - Lieutenant of 8th [Territorial] Battalion, Durham Light Infantry  ·  Bixby, Hayward George Miller - Cpl.R/12286 of 1st Battalion, King's Royal Rifle Corps  ·  UUBixby, William - Pte.491862 of 1/13th [Princess Louise’s Kensington] Battalion, London Regiment  ·  Blunden, Edmund Charles, MC - 2nd Lieutenant of 11th [Service] Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment  ·  Border, Alfred Howard - Rfn.5664 of 1/17th [County of London] Battalion, [Poplar and Stepney Rifles] London Regiment  ·  Border, Arthur Starling - Dvr.85714 of 205th Battery, Royal Field Artillery  ·  UUBoreham, Victor Dennis, MM - Pte.16046 of 5th [Service] Battalion, Northamptonshire Regiment [Pioneers]  ·  UBoreham, William Charles - L/Cpl.7503 of 7th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Borley, Alfred Claxton - Pte.1891 of 2nd Divisional Traffic Control Detachment, Australian Imperial Force ·  UUBoulden, Frank Richard - Sgt.12150 of 7th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Bowers, Sydney Arthur - Pte.22641 of 23rd [Service] Battalion, Manchester Regiment  ·  UBranwhite, Eric Reginald - Rfn.6154 of 1/16th [County of London] Battalion, [Queen’s Westminster Rifles] London Regiment  ·  Bray, Albert - Rfn.2295 of 1/15th Battalion, [Prince of Wales Own Civil Service Rifles] London Regiment  ·  Brewer, Wilfred Henry Pte.G/37304 of 11th [Service] Battalion, Queen’s [Royal West Surrey] Regiment  ·   UUBryant, Arthur James - Sgt.8486 of 2nd Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  UButcher, Samuel Thomas – L/Cpl.43070 of 7th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Byford, George - Pte.40877 of 2nd Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Cadge, William Thomas - Spr.107532 of 5th Field Company, Royal Engineers  ·  Churchyard, Alfred Denis - Pte.200073 of 1/4th Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  UClarke, Reginald William - L/Cpl.12199 of 9th [Service] Battalion, Essex Regiment  ·  UCoe, George - 2nd Lieutenant of 11th [Service] Battalion, Border Regiment [Lonsdale Pals]  ·  Coe, William - 2nd Lieutenant of 1st Battalion, Border Regiment  · UCoe, William Charles - Pte.26299 of 2nd Battalion, Essex Regiment  ·  Connell, John Edward - Pte.19683 of 24th Brigade, Machine Gun Corps  ·  UUCoote, Albert Charles - L/Cpl.493903 of 1/13th [Princess Louise’s Kensington] Battalion, London Regiment  ·  Deal, George William - Dvr.S4/111130 of 257th [Mechanical Transport] Company, Army Service Corps  ·  Deeks, Herbert - Dvr.14687 of 5th Divisional Ammunition Column, Royal Field Artillery  ·  Duce, Frederick L/Cpl.8505 of 1st Battalion, The Cameronians [Scottish Rifles]  ·  UUDyson, William Harding , MM - Pte.30729 of 46th Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps  ·  UUEast, Herbert ‘Bertie’  - Pte.23827 of 5th [Service] Battalion, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry  ·  Fakes, Sidney Victor - Pte.19212 of 9th [Service] Battalion, Essex Regiment  ·  UFrench, Charles William - Pte.26735 of 7th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Gates, Herbert Dudley - Pte.G.21172 of 10th [Service] Battalion, Queen's Own [Royal West Kent] Regiment  ·  UUGoody,Walter, MC MMRSM.3/9691 of 7th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Gridley, Percy Lionel - Pte.5995 of 1/2nd Battalion, Royal Fusiliers  ·  UGrimes, Archibald Edward - Pte.E/1165 of 17th [Service] Battalion, Royal Fusiliers  ·  UUHardy, Albert Frank - Rfn.45335 of 1/5th Battalion, [London Rifle Brigade] London Regiment  ·  UHoneyball, Frederick  - Pte.21608 of 12th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  UHood, Basil Montague Robert - Pte.G/7209 of 2nd Battalion, Duke of Cambridge's Own [Middlesex] Regiment  ·  Hooker, Arthur George - Pte.13479 of 9th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Howard, Percy - Pte.8849 of 2nd Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  UUHurrell, Bertie - Pte.5174 of 1/4th Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Kemp, Bertie Louis - L/Cpl.26653 of 14th [Service] Battalion, Hampshire Regiment  ·  UULast, Joseph - Pte.G/34202 of 11th [Service] Battalion, Duke of Cambridge’s Own [Middlesex] Regiment  ·  ULilley, Albert  - Pte.7590 of 7th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  ULilly William George - Rfn.1121 of 1/18th [County of London] Battalion, [London Irish Rifles] London Regiment  ·  UMarch, William Ernest - Pte.20627 of 7th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  UUMartin, Basil James - Pte.9068 of 1/7th [Service] Battalion, Duke of Cambridge’s Own [Middlesex] Regiment  ·  Matthews, Alfred Jarvis - Pte.25397 of 17th [Service] Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers  ·  Mills, Harry Thomas - Pte.40378 of 10th [Service] Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment  ·  Mills, Horace James - L/Cpl.S4/111148 of 257th [Mechanical Transport] Company, 19th Divisional Supply Column, Army Service Corps  ·  Mitchell, Benjamin - Pte.37003 of 9th [Service] Battalion, East Surrey Regiment  ·  Mitchell, William Ewart - Dvr.124322 of 56th Battery, Royal Field Artillery, 17th Divisional Ammunition Column  ·  Morris, Harold Hazlitt - Rfn.4541 of 1/16th Battalion, [Queens Westminster Rifles] London Regiment  ·  Mundon, Percy Charles - L/Sgt.12575 of 9th [Service] Battalion, Essex Regiment  ·  Oakley, Arthur Cecil - Pte.18335 of 4th Battalion, Grenadier Guards  ·  Oakley, Joseph Albert - Pte.S4/111152 of 257th [Mechanical Transport] Company, 19th Divisional Supply Column, Army Service Corps  ·  UUParmenter, Horace Neville - Pte.G/10445 of 10th [Service] Battalion, The Queen's [Royal West Surrey] Regiment  ·  Pawsey, William F. - Cpl.7838 of 1st Battalion, Prince of Wales’s [North Staffordshire] Regiment  ·  Pearce, Edward Mayes, DCM - Cpl.57121 of 126th Battery, 29th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery  ·  Pearman, Edgar Thomas - Pte.S/16471 of 12th [Service] Battalion, Rifle Brigade [The Prince Consort’s Own]  ·  Pegg, Harry Frederick - Dvr.48490 of 14th Brigade, Royal Horse Artillery  ·  Perry, John ‘Jack’ Stephen - Pte.35068 of 9th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Pettit, Arthur - Dvr.S4/111154 of 257th [Mechanical Transport] Company, 19th Divisional Supply Column, Army Service Corps  ·  Pettit, George William - Pte.5174 of 59th Australian Infantry Battalion  ·  Pettitt, Archibald Edwin - Spr.103756 of 74th Field Company, Royal Engineers  ·  Pettitt, Frederick James - Pte.60560 of 9th [Service] Battalion, Royal Fusiliers  ·  Pleasants, Frederick George - Gnr.L/15321 of 35th Divisional Ammunition Column, Royal Field Artillery  ·  UPonder, Ernest Henry - Pte.6107 of 1/4th Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Potter, Alfred Charles John, MC - Pte.8415 of 1st Battalion, Gordon Highlanders  ·  Poulter, Jack - Pte.13420 of 1st Battalion, Bedfordshire Regiment  ·  Prentice, Frederick - Rfn.S/18166 of 16th [Service] Battalion, Rifle Brigade [The Prince Consort’s Own]  ·  UUPrigg, Charles William, MM - L/Cpl.13310 of 8th [Service] Battalion, Norfolk Regiment  ·  Prigg, Clement Edward - Pte.L/8177 of 9th [Service] Battalion, East Surrey Regiment  ·  Richold, Henry ‘Harry’ Stewart - Sgt.9725 of 8th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Rising, Harry William - Pte.16124 of 9th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Rising, Oliver Ernest - L/Sgt.24291 of 7th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Rising, Robert John - Pte.5999 of 25th [Reserve] Battalion, Duke of Cambridge’s Own [Middlesex] Regiment  ·  Roper, William - Pte.18611 of 2nd Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Sandford, William James - Pte.18315 of 11th [Service] Battalion, The Queen's Own [Royal West Kent] Regiment  ·  UUSansum, George Henry - Pte.27387 of 7th [Extra Reserve] Battalion, Royal Fusiliers  ·  Sansum, James - Pte.15993 of 8th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  UUSewell, Owen Charles - Cpl.GS/27407 of 7th [City of London] Battalion, [Royal Fusiliers]  · UShelley, Sydney Arnold - Pte.6595 of 1/15th [County of London] Battalion, [Prince of Wales’s Own Civil Service Rifles] London Regiment  ·  Smith, Alfred Egerton - Dvr.75625 of 23rd Divisional Ammunition Column, Royal Field Artillery  ·  Smith, Clifford Cyril - Gnr.3939 of 'A' Battery, 84th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery  ·  Sore, Arthur Sydney - Cpl.12211 of 7th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Sore, Ernest Ezekiel - Pte.5838 of 2nd Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Sore, Frank - Pte.14641 of 8th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Sore, Otley Joe - Pte.3/9669 of 8th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  USpearman, George William - Pte.40245 of 2nd Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment  ·  Stanhope, Arthur John - Pte.435830 of 50th [Calgary] Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force  ·  UUStanhope, Ernest Chesterfield, MM - Gnr.90433 of 'A' Battery, 110th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery  ·  UStanhope, James - Pte.3/9742 of 8th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Stanhope, Percy James - Gnr.103551 of 81st [Howitzer] Brigade, Royal Field Artillery  ·  UStearns, Walter Ryder - Pte.6931 of 16th [Service] Battalion, Manchester Regiment  ·  Steward, Frederick ‘Jumbo’ - Sgt.240246 of 7th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Tatum, Robert Samuel - Pte.18850 of 7th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Theobald, Amos - Dvr.24319 of 15th Battery, 36th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery  ·  Theobald, Owen - Pte.GS/27208 of 8th [Service] Battalion, Royal Fusiliers  ·  UUTolchard, Leslie Arthur - Pte.17692 of 6th [Service] Battalion, Prince Albert’s [Somerset Light Infantry]  ·  Totman, Walter - Dvr.13689 of 2nd Brigade, Royal Field Artillery  ·  Twitchett, John William - Pte.G/18277 of 11th [Service] Battalion, The Queen's Own [Royal West Kent] Regiment  ·  Watson, Gordon - Pte.44006 of 9th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Wheeler, Thomas Henry - Pte.6423 of 1st Battalion, East Surrey Regiment  ·  Whent, Arthur Edward Ordinary Seaman No.Z/3983 of 'B' Company, 2nd [Drake] Battalion, 63rd [Royal Naval] Division  ·  Whitehead, Leslie Hugh Haydon - Pte.51028 of 6th [Service] Battalion, Northamptonshire Regiment  ·  Whittle, Clifford Albert - Spr.156035 of 179th Tunnelling Company, Royal Engineers  ·  Whittle, George Frederick - Cpl.89865 of 180th Brigade, 16th Divisional Ammunition Column, Royal Field Artillery  ·  Whittle, Thomas Harry - Pte.3/9878 of 2nd Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  UWiseman, Frederick - Pte.12983 of 6th [Service] Battalion, Princess Charlotte of Wales's [Royal Berkshire] Regiment  ·  Woodgate, James Robert - Pte.16002 of 8th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Woodgate, Rufus George - Pte.14463 of 9th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Wordley, Stanley Arthur - Pte.8643 of 2nd Battalion, Suffolk Regiment  ·  Worrell, Edward Ernest - Captain of 13th [Service] Battalion, Royal Fusiliers  ·  UYounger, Alfred - Pte.18036 of 10th [Service] Battalion, Prince of Wales’s Own [West Yorkshire] Regiment  ·  Younger, Frederick John - Cpl.49390 of  'N' Battery, Royal Horse Artillery  ·  Younger, Harry - S/Sgt.44852 of 18th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery
U died during the Somme Offensive      UU  died later in World War One

Research by David Gevaux, MA
Melford and the Great War Project

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